I fell on my rented property in February of this year. I was not seriously injured, but I did require a trip to the hospital which turned out to be about $1150. Not counting time off work, or prescriptions.
I am a 28 year old female who grew up in Minnesota - I am very familiar with snow. My landlord tells me I need to 'learn to walk on snow" but he fails to acknowledge that the gutter was broken off my porch since we moved in, causing melting snow to deposit directly on my porch and then refreeze at night. The water poured into my porch light, breaking it at the beginning of winter. The ONE parking lot light on my side of the complex had long been burnt out also. Plus, the building is built on a swamp, so the whole thing is tilted.
So, I fall. We go to small claims court. At mediation, nothing was solved. We set a trial date, and on the trial date as we were waiting to be called into the courtroom he refused to sign the small claims paperwork and stated that he was refusing this trial and wanted to obtain a lawyer.
He's just doing this because he thinks we will drop the issue, and thinks we can't afford a lawyer. I mean, times are tough, but we will find the money. I don't know what to do from here - somebody told me that in Michigan because I wasn't "seriously injured" with a neckbrace or whatnot that I can't persue this.
I may not have been seriously injured, but I could have been. I have metal rods fused to my spine and I fell directly on my front step due to his negligence. All I wanted was for him to pay the hospital bill - he refuses to tell his insurance company because he has a high deductable. What do I do? What can I do?
I fell on my rented property in February of this year. I was not seriously injured, but I did require a trip to the hospital which turned out to be about $1150. Not counting time off work, or prescriptions.
I am a 28 year old female who grew up in Minnesota - I am very familiar with snow. My landlord tells me I need to 'learn to walk on snow" but he fails to acknowledge that the gutter was broken off my porch since we moved in, causing melting snow to deposit directly on my porch and then refreeze at night. The water poured into my porch light, breaking it at the beginning of winter. The ONE parking lot light on my side of the complex had long been burnt out also. Plus, the building is built on a swamp, so the whole thing is tilted.
So, I fall. We go to small claims court. At mediation, nothing was solved. We set a trial date, and on the trial date as we were waiting to be called into the courtroom he refused to sign the small claims paperwork and stated that he was refusing this trial and wanted to obtain a lawyer.
He's just doing this because he thinks we will drop the issue, and thinks we can't afford a lawyer. I mean, times are tough, but we will find the money. I don't know what to do from here - somebody told me that in Michigan because I wasn't "seriously injured" with a neckbrace or whatnot that I can't persue this.
I may not have been seriously injured, but I could have been. I have metal rods fused to my spine and I fell directly on my front step due to his negligence. All I wanted was for him to pay the hospital bill - he refuses to tell his insurance company because he has a high deductable. What do I do? What can I do?