Landlord threatening bad reference/withholding deposit

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New Member
We have been in our apartment nearly 2 years. We have been model tenants--paid rent early every month, asked for very few repairs (of things that were incorrectly installed in the renovations prior to our tenancy), broke nothing, caused no damage, made no noise, etc. etc.

We have an anonymous absentee landlord--we are not permitted to even know his name--and go through a big NYC management firm. One guy there, in particular.

We rented at the height of the market, and now rents have fallen considerably in our area. Our lease is up for renewal, and we said we'd stay if they would decrease our rent to meet the market. No reply. Re-sent 10 days later, got "The landlord is not interested in decreasing the rent. We understand your need to move."

Then the elevator went out--for 10 days so far--and we live on the 6th floor and also can't access the laundry without it. The power went out several times over a few weeks. Our living room radiator started spewing water. And etc.--all of a sudden several pretty big problems requiring emails to the managing agent. None were answered.

Now we need a reference letter in order to get a new apartment, and the managing agent told my husband that--despite paying on time, and no complaints of any kind for 22 months--that they will give us a bad reference because I have been so "difficult" in the past 2 weeks.

Is that even legal? Isn't the reference supposed to be based on our payment, maintenance of the unit, and following of the building rules? Can they give us a bad reference because we requested a rent decrease, and have emailed complaints about the lack of elevator, electricity, and heat?

He also intimated that because of my "difficult" behavior we shouldn't hold our breath about getting back our full security deposit, either. Our apartment is immaculate--not that he'd know, he's never been in here.

How do I pre-empt this behavior?
Send them back a letter explaining that you will sue them for liable if they wrongfully give you a bad reference.
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