landlord threatening eviction over spare key, other accusations

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Last July I moved into a three bedroom in Chicago. One girl had already lived there for a few months, she and the landlord (she works for him and his family at the diner downstairs) agreed to give her the apartment at a reduced rate with no lease until she found roommates. She did, a lease was signed (her, myself, and one other girl), and a rent agreed on.

When I moved in, I made keys. Myself a set, and a just in case back door spare which i gave to my boyfriend for safekeeping (along with a spare of my car key, and my bike key). Mind you, this was back in July. With no problems. He or I have never had to use it. I informed my roommates he had a spare, everything was alright, or so I thought.

A couple of days ago I got a text message from my roommate (the one who works for my landlord) saying that she had told our landlord that my boyfriend had a key, and if I didn't get it back immediately he would a) change the locks at my expense, b) raise the rent $350 dollars because clearly if he has "unrestricted access" it changes the insurance liability and he lives there, or b) give me a five day notice. Although I didn't really understand why it was such a big deal, I agreed to get the key back, and did, that night; giving it to the landlord the next day. He then accused me of having let my boyfriend move in behind his back (mind you, we work opposite schedules so I only see him twice a week, and he very much has his own apartment a few miles down the road) and that the security tapes showed him "leaving every morning at 8 am. (impossible, by the way)" He also mentioned several times that he didn't actually have to deal with me, but only with my roommate, his employee, as she is the "primary lease holder."

So I guess what I'm asking is a) can he threaten me over a spare key? b) is there such a thing as a primary lease holder when we all signed at the same time? c) what can I do about his pigheaded refusal to believe that my guy doesn't live with us. I offered the landlord my boyfriend's landlords info, and for him to come up and see that none of his stuff was there, but he just kept repeating that "he knew what was going on and I'd better f****** quit it."

Seriously, he might come over three times a week, but stays the night once, maybe on occasion twice. Now we're both afraid for him to even come up and watch a movie in case the landlord or his family are watching (they ALWAYS are) I'm a grown up and I pay rent in full and on time, so what is the big deal if my dude comes over, stays late, and goes home?

if it matters he also implied that my boyfriend was a potential rapist and that i was whore. just saying.
1. Yes. You had no business giving a spare key to a non-tenant.

2. Not in this case. You all three signed the lease

3. What does your lease say regarding guests? Overnight guests?

Best to visit the boyfriend at his place.

In regards to the implied name calling.... "Sticks and Stones..."

the lease doesn't say anything about overnight guests, or a spare key for that matter. the chicago landlord-tenant ordinance says something about people staying for more than 21 days without landlord's written consent could be considered tenants. the things he's accusing me of are ridiculous, as seriously he stays over once a week. i stay at his house just as often. not the 6 or 7 nights a week he's claiming.
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