Landlord took my deposit

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New Member
I put down a $1500 deposit on a house and when my lease ended, my landlord only return $700 to me. She took out the following charges:

1. $400 for re-carpeting a bedroom where the dog had blackened the carpet. I told her that I would get is cleaned, but she said that she would take care of it, and that if the stains wouldn't come out then she would contact me before making a decision to re-carpet it. She never called me and went ahead and over-charged me for putting a new carpet. For the size of the room, there is no way it should cost that much.

2. $70 for replacing a blind in one of the bedrooms. (I am okay with paying this)

3. $100 for having to fix the Lanai on the Patio. We did not break this. It ripped during a storm, therefore, this is considered general ware and tear of a home.

4. $230 for having to resod the back lawn. She accused the dog of digging holes in the grass. The reason why there were holes in the lawn were because the splinkler system broke and the power of the water caused the holes... plus, she had some grass infection/weed problem that was destroying it. I had called the Landlord and notified her of this problem with the sprinklers when it happened, but she didn't do anything about it until a few months later. The dog had nothing to do with the holes. She wanted to use it as an excuse to cover the cost for her to replace the lawn, as she had to do it.

How do I go about getting the rest of my money? This woman is a real bitch!!!! :
You sue her in Small Claims court.

Hopefully you have evidence (i.e., pictures that you took at move out, documentation that you notified her of the damage after the storm and the condition of the lawn) to disprove her claims regarding these damages.

Thanks for your reponse Gail

However I don't have any photos. My notifications were always by phone. I have no documentation. Do you think I still have a chance in the Small Claims court????
It's much hard to prove (or disprove) claims in court without evidence or documentation. For example, how are you going to prove that the Lanai damage took place during a storm or that the dog didn't dig holes in the yard?

In some states (Georgia, for example), courts tend to be pretty landlord friendly while other states (New Jersey and California come to mind) seem to side more with the tenants. So, often the outcome of such cases depends on the states and districts. And the mood the judge is in on the day of the hearing.

In addition, you agree that your dog did damage to the carpet. What you disagree on is the cost of replacing this carpet.

If you do sue, your landlord would have to prove her case by presenting evidence as to the cost of purchasing and replacing the carpet in question.

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