Modifying a Lease Landlord trying to charge me when I'm no longer on the lease


New Member
Hello, I removed my name from the lease 1.5 months ago. Paid 350$ for it and moved out. Now the current lease holder has an outstanding balance. They emailed me saying I owe this even though I'm no longer on the lease with them saying "the contract they have on file is the one with me still on the lease" and they want me to provide proof I am not on the lease.

The only proof I have is the PDF file of the new addendum lease with me not in it, the "realpage" email asking to sign those documents to the new lease holder, and a small email correspondence of them asking us to pay the new lease removal charge and then at the end them saying "it's been paid". However when I click that realpage link to the signed documents, it does not show anything anymore.

I'm worried they are trying to pin the current resident balance on me because they clearly had records of the new lease but most likely just disposed of it. I want to get some solid proof of this addendum but I don't know how through realpage, (like if they had a document history of all signed docs no one could edit.) I called them and they won't answer resident questions.

If the proof provided so far is not enough, how can I get it? Does realpage carry documentation of signed contracts they can only touch? Can they sue me for this?
If the proof provided so far is not enough, how can I get it? Does realpage carry documentation of signed contracts they can only touch? Can they sue me for this?

I suspect realpage retains a record of each transaction, however, absent a court order they'll only produce that information for their paying customers, landlords/apartment complexes.

I suggest you sit quietly, prepared to act ONLY if you are sued or dunned. The documentation you possess might not satisfy your former roommates, I suspect it would be satisfactory if produced in court.
Hello, I removed my name from the lease 1.5 months ago.

Please explain exactly what this means. Taken literally, it implies that you used an eraser or white-out or something. However, that would have no legal effect.

They emailed me

"They" being who?

The only proof I have is the PDF file of the new addendum lease with me not in it

"The new addendum lease"?

a small email correspondence of them asking us to pay the new lease removal charge and then at the end them saying "it's been paid".

Who are "them" and "us"?

I assume that, at some point, you (and whoever else "us" refers to) signed a lease for a commercial* property of some sort. Then, at some point something happened that you are referring to as "remov[ing] [your] name from the lease." However, the only way you would be relieved of liability is if the term of the lease you signed expired and you vacated the premises or the landlord signed something releasing you of liability under the lease. Did either of those things happen?

If the proof provided so far is not enough, how can I get it?

Ask whomever has it for copies.

Does realpage carry documentation of signed contracts they can only touch?

I have no idea what "realpage" is, but assuming it's something like DocuSign, I'd suggest making an inquiry of someone at the company.

Can they sue me for this?

Anyone can sue anyone for anything. The likelihood of a commercial* landlord suing over $350 is probably pretty low.

* - I say "commercial" because you posted on a board for "Commercial Landlord & Tenant Issues." If your situation actually involves a residential property, you should clarify that.

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