Landlord wants me to grow illegal weed


New Member
My landlord is selling the house we are living in as a way to get out of going to court for wrongful eviction after we told him we would no longer grow an illegal amount of weed for him he taught us to grow and then he started bringing an illegal amount over and he threatened to make us move if we didn't allow it we stood up to him and told him no he got violent and started breaking things now he is selling the house and we are going to be without a home and have a something bad on our renter history.
His selling the home does not force you to move. If nobody has given you proper notice to vacate at the end of a lease then keep passing your rent on time and stay right where you are.
To me it seems both @adjusterjack and @mightymoose have good points. If you have a lease then the sale of the home does not force you to move as per @mightymoose - but I'm wondering whether you have a lease and, if so, what is its duration. If it expires prior to or near the closing of the sale, you'll have to leave and you might as well start looking for a new home to rent.
The lease ends. We want to move. We are trying to find a new place. He gave us til oct 15 th now he is trying to go back on his word and force us out
And his filing an eviction will make it hard for me to get a new place.

That is 1,000,000% TRUE.

For your sake, endeavor to get out before he files an eviction action.

The mere filing of such a lawsuit is as harmful to a person as being on the receiving end of an eviction action.
Do U think if I have a recording of him telling us that if we wouldn't grow weed then things would get ugly and we would have to move. Then I can get the eviction off my record. He tells me he started the eviction today.
Do U think if I have a recording of him telling us that if we wouldn't grow weed then things would get ugly and we would have to move. Then I can get the eviction off my record. He tells me he started the eviction today.

Don't play with fire.

You never know what another person is capable of doing.

I live my life by one premise, which served me well during four years of combat in Nam, everything is deadly and capable of killing you!

Check the courthouse records, see if he actually filed.

If he has, its too late to unring the bell.

Regarding a recording of a telephone call or conversation where you were ONE of the parties:

CRS 18-9-302. In Colorado, wiretapping a phone line, or using an electronic device to listen to or record private conversations is a criminal offense. Wiretapping, eavesdropping, and the possession of illegal surveillance equipment can result in misdemeanor or felony charges.

You can record your own phone conversation without the other party's consent or knowledge. Colorado is a one party consent state.

You might think about reporting the call to the police, but don't use it to threaten or coerce the other party.

Have you considered negotiating with the other person?

Offer them EXTRA money to let you stay an extra week or two.
[QUOTE="Nonamenoname, post: 295705, member: hasn't happened. Landlord is likely blowing smoke, Just trying to motivate you to be on your way.

If you haven't been given any written notice it is to late for him to legally force you out before Oct 15. Stay on top of things and be out as soon as you can, and keep the landlord informed of your intent.

Police and restraining orders are not necessary. At least not with the info you have given.
Much of the time there is a lot of bark with no bite or lawsuit. Filing for an eviction and going through with it will cost him time and money and probably won't get you out anywhere nearly as quickly as he hopes. Filing to evict you will not result in an eviction before October 15, at least not in any jurisdiction with which I'm familiar. He probably knows that too. So why not settle reasonably?

You're on borrowed time. It's only practical to move end of month given how real property is mostly rented either at the beginning of the month and occasionally mid-month. If that doesn't work out given the timing, certainly for the following month and possibly mid-month. Does he already have a purchaser? My understanding is that he does not. As such, there isn't any reason to take serious action and all the reason to settle up and be done with this disaster.

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