Landlord wants random changes to lease, mid-year

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Central Coast, California

My jurisdiction is: Central Coast, California

I have been renting a house for 16 months. Two days after renewing the yr. lease this July, the landlord notified me that she was unhappy about some things and told me she was going to add some stipulations to the lease - whether I agreed or not. She sent a 30-day notice with the following issues: 1) According to her, I have too many friends. They come over too often and she wants to limit my visitors to weekends, with a 1:00am "curfew" (note: there is no issue with noise/ parking/ behavior/ ANYTHING of this nature). 2) Before I moved in, we verbally agreed that the garage would be the only area where I would allow smoking. To keep friends and family from lighting up inside the house, I took one side of the garage and created a "game room" type area with pool table, TV and a few chairs. She complimented my idea, & told me it looked really cute - then did a 180 and demanded I remove the chairs & TV (but she's ok with the pool table!!).
3) I am a single parent with teenage daughter & because none of my windows have view of front door & there is no peep-hole, I hooked up a small wireless camera that shows who is at the front door. She has given me 30-days to remove the camera and any other security devices (did I mention that my house was broken into shortly after I moved in?).
Facts: I always pay my rent a few days early. Last month I went out of town so paid it 7 days early!
Nothing about visitors, garage usage or home security is mentioned anywhere in the lease and I have never violated ANYTHING stipulated in the lease.
There has been no damage (other than normal wear-and-tear) done to any part of the house, including outdoor areas.
There is no issue with noise, nuisance or troubles with the neighbors or anything of that nature.

Question: I have no intention to comply with her random changes to the lease that have no rationale, justification or legal basis. I'm wondering if her 30-day notice has any authority or legal power? Can I ignore it? Should I respond in writing? Or should I let her follow through with her threat of legal action?
If I told you she is financially strapped and wants to sell the house, would that change anything?
If you have a written lease, nothing can really be changed/added to the existing lease unless BOTH parties (you and the landlord) agree to these changes. Agreeing to such is typically evidenced by these changes added to the current lease and signed by both of you.


P.S. California is a VERY tenant friendly state and there are quite specific reasons as to why an eviction will be granted.
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