landlord will not give back full deposit

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New Member
Please help. My family and I just moved out of our rented house and were expected to receive at least 1000 out of the 1095 security deposit.The landlord sent a check for only 250! He sent a letter with a break down of why he is only returning 250. Here are as follow: touch up paint 150, Broken blinds 90, Screen 45, carpet repair 45, House Cleaning 95, carpet cleaning 101.46, Yard work 250, pro-rated rent from 4/16-4/17 at 36.50 per day 73 totaling 849.46. Is it just me or does this guy seem like he's trying to keep my money! I've read in many articles that the landlord can not use the deposit to do touch up paints. We left the house almost spotless. We cleaned every nook and cranny and I took pictures of the house before we left the place. He is charging us rent for 4/16-4/17 when the contract clearly states that the lease ends on the 16th and we turned in keys and left the house on the 15th of april. As for the carpet cleaning i consider that to be normal wear.Should I File a small claim?
Sure if you wish (some days it seems everyone sues).

Might be better to send a letter disputing the amount kept and "demanding" the return of the security deposit that you believe is rightfully yours. Set a date (say, two weeks after the landlord receives the letter) when you expect the remainder of the deposit back. If no satisfaction, they consider filing a lawsuit.

Carpet cleaning may not be normal wear and tear if you left the carpet significantly dirty. Sounds like you have pictures of the state of the house at moveout which will be useful should you decide to sue.

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