Landlord will not let me read my meters...

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New Member
I have an issue with property manager of my apartment complex which has arisen over the past couple days. As some may know, we had a week of snowstorms here and, consequently, anyone who's electric and gas meters were scheduled to be read over the past two weeks had their usage estimated.

We moved into this apartment on January 2nd, at which time the utilities were put in our names. Our estimated usage for Jan 2nd to Feb 9th came out to nearly FOUR TIMES the kWh that we used per month in our old, larger apt. I was absolutely astounded that the electric bill for a 1-bedroom place could be so much money, and I called the utility to sort it out. They told me that if I wanted to read the meters myself I could call the readings in to them. They told me to get my landlord to show me where the meters are.

I spoke to the property manager today who said that their policy is to not allow tenants access to the meters, and that I should ask the utility to send someone out who could escort me to that area. He also said that he didn't believe the utility would accept my own personal reading, and that whoever I talked to from them must have been trying to get me off the phone.

After returning home I called the utility again, and they reiterated that they were accepting readings over the phone from all customers who had their meters estimated. They also said that the only time they will read the meter is during their next scheduled visit. The person I spoke to was surprised that I was not allowed to see my meters, and said she's never heard of a policy like that.

My question is, do I have a legal right to read my electricity and gas meters?
Why can't you just go walk around the building and locate the meters? It is likely marked with your apartment number. If not, there is probably a meter number on your bill that corresponds with a number on the meter.
The meters are in a locked room. My old apartment had a room like this but it was part of the storage area so everyone had access.
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