Landlord will not replace faulty a/c and will not pay doubled electric bills and wants to raise rent


New Member
We rent a home that has a faulty air conditioner. Landlord is very aware of this but threatens to raise our rent 600.00 a month, not put in a new air conditioner as promised and not pay the extremely high electric bills due to the faulty air conditioner. Spoke to FPL and they said Landlord is responsible for the power bill since it is there appliance.
We cannot afford the high increase or these ungodly electric bills.

What can we do?
What can we do?

Start by carefully and thoroughly reading the FL landlord tenant statute for the landlord's duties and tenant's remedies:

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If anything in there addresses this issue make sure you follow the procedures to the letter, including written notices (not email, not text) to your landlord so you lay a paper trail.

Spoke to FPL and they said Landlord is responsible for the power bill since it is there appliance.

Don't take legal advice from the bureaucrat at the power company. The only one that can make that determination is a judge. Might or might not be true depending on the circumstances.

Meantime, answer the following:

Are you on a written lease of any specific duration (when does it expire) or are you on month to month with no written lease?
I have no idea who or what "FPL" is, but the responsibility for the electric bill is determined by the terms of your lease. If you don't like the current situation, give notice and move. If you don't want to agree to the rent increase, then don't, but if you're a month-to-month tenant (as appears to be the case), then the landlord can raise the rent without your consent.

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