Landlord will not return deposit

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New Member
I terminated my lease early, gave two months notice and paid termination fee of two months. The only damage done to the unit was a door frame, unit was clean and in otherwise good condition. I moved out in Jan. and moved out of state, the reason for the early termination. I have not received my deposit, nor can i get my former landlord to return any phone calls. I have sent a registered letter, which went to mail box, that has not been retrieved. I was told the refund was mailed on three separate occasions. What do i do now? I even offered to take payments, if finances were an issue. I am at my wits end can anyone help me? I really need to recover this money.
At this stage, your option is to consider filing a lawsuit against the landlord for this security deposit.

Your former landlord is likely betting you won't go this route as it would mean returning to this state for the filing and the hearing.

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