Landlord withholding Information about Company

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New Member
I live in Los Angeles CA.

During the course of my lease my landlord has been posing as a low level employee all year and always saying she had to talk to "management," repeatedly stating that "they" overwork her.

Yesterday when I was upset with her unprofessional service I called and emailed the main office and was told that all the information about who is actually in charge is secret and can't be disclosed. Today I asked her point blank what her role is in this operation and she stated she was refusing to disclose.

I have pulled the property records and now know her to be the owner of the apartment buildings and the owner of the main office building. Additionally she always refer to herself as "Jane Doe" when her full name is "Jane D. Brown". I live in "Brown Housing."

Because of this I have requested her business license. And also her real estate license if she has one or should have one? She has ignored my request.

I expect to have to go to small claims to get my security deposit. Advice?
In short I thought I would have some legal right to know who it is I'm renting from, since I only had part of her name and a cell phone number that she doesn't answer regularly during business hours. It seems odd that I wouldn't be entitled to that information. The landlord gets my social security number, my bank account number, my credit card numbers and my date of birth, but I'm not even entitled to know her last name?

I'm particularly concerned since other tenants talk and once I moved in I learned that they know others who she has "robbed." This slumlord specializes in international students. They all have to leave right after school and their lease ends and never sue for their deposit.

Because of this I believe she will attempt to keep the full security deposit even though we are leaving the apartment in great shape. Since I suspect she is about to gauge me and is often unreachable I originally asked the contact information of her superior since she was late, unreachable, and rude. (She claimed my maid service never passed inspection and suggested her own people even though they are a well respected company. She suggested her own carpet guy and picked a fight with the one I hired before he had even arrived and after he had sent his insurance, license and bond).

Prior to me pulling property records I wouldn't have even known the name of the person to sue if she kept my security deposit and this seems unfair, but apparently legal? =(
Request a walk through when you leave and take both video and pictures of apartment when you leave. The landlord must give you proof of where your deposit is applied and cost so these pictures and videos will help especially if landlord is no show for walk through
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