landlord won't give back last month's rent

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New Member
My roommates and I moved out of our house on December 1st as our landlord had asked us to. When we moved in we paid first/last/deposit. We paid our rent for November before we were told we were going to need to move out by December 1st. Our landlord told me she didn't have to give us our last month's rent back even though we paid it when we moved in. we have asked her countless times. She finally took down our new address and said she would mail it out but that was about 2 weeks ago and we have yet to receive our last month's rent back and I am wondering what I can do about this. I also have heard that in some states if you don't get you're money back within 20 days that you are entitled to twice the amount and I am wondering if that is the case here.
Thank you
You are certainly entitled to both your last months rent and your security deposit.

The time limit you mention describes the amount of time your landlord has to either return your deposit or provide information regarding the status of such. In Washington state, this must be done within 14 days of ending the lease:

Failure to do so MAY entitle you to double the amount (this would need to be decided by a court) and it does negate the landlord from being able to keep any of this deposit for damages.

Write a letter to the landlord citing the Washington statutes listed above and state that if you do not receive the full security deposit AND last months rent within a certain time period (say, 5 days after they receive this letter) you will consider legal action.

I hope this helps..

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