Landlord won't return Security Deposit

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Hi my name is Debbie and live in Spokane,Washington. On December 1,2008 rented and moved into a triplex in Spokane. I signed a 1 year lease and I am on Section 8 Housing Voucher. I paid my former landlord my portion of the rent and 1/3 of my deposit( to be paid in 3 installments-total sec. dep. was $500).So my deposit was paid in full by Feb. 2009. I lived there for 1 year and 30 days before my lease was up gave my Notice of Intent to Vacate to my former landlord and to Spokane Housing with my new forwarding address. I vacated the premise on the day I was supposed to, the premise was cleaned inside and out.( cleaner than when I moved in) did the Move-out walk-thru with landlord. There were a few minor repairs and he asked me if I was going to do them or did I want him to do them and deduct from my Deposit. I said I would take care of them, knowing he would charge me for his labor. We signed off on the Move-out checklist noting that I would do the repairs. He told me to keep the keys until I was done and he left. I did ALL the repairs within a couple of days. I locked up the premise and left my set of keys on the counter. He was not home for me to give them to, he lives in one of the triplex's there. I also left him a detailed letter in his mailbox (I made a copy of the letter)stating all the repairs I did and I took pictures of it also. And again gave my forwarding address. I waited 14 days for my Deposit and nothing came. Day 15 I send a Demand Letter - Registered Certified Return Receipt and give him 7 day to return my deposit stating to him by law he has to return my full deposit. He refuses to pick the letter up at the Post office and now it will be sent back to me. I do not owe any back rent, paid my rent on time, I cleaned that place spotless, and did the repairs I did not Paint or clean the carpets because that is normal wear and tear.I dont know what to do next. Should I try to send another Demand Letter and Fed Ex it? Hire an Attorney which I'm 100% sure I would win and he would have to pay my Attorney? Go to small claims court, but then trying to serve him when he wont even pick up my letter at the post office is another thing also. I do believe I have done everything right, I think? Please advise me if there is more that I can do and your opinion on which way I should go. I'm 55 years old and on disability and $500 is alot of money to me. PLEASE HELP!! Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. ** Please note- The signed rental agreement did not state where my deposit was being held(which is a Washington state law RCW 59.18.270) and I never got a receipt(same RCW) for it or even when I paid my rent and I did ask for one several times with no avail. Thanks again**
If you go small claims, he'll get served by the sheriff or a constable. You're on the right track, but the guy is being a jerk. So, that slows things down a bunch!

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