landlords rights??

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New Member
hello my dad is a house owner and he rented out his house to a couple (not on a lease) and he lives in the basement suite and they live upstairs. He wishes to move back upstairs and have his whole house back. he gave them 2 months written notice and they are fine with moveing out. they do not want to pay the last months rent though. what are his rightsand what are there rights? pease write back asap thanks evryone!
Do you mean that they want to use their deposit instead of paying the last month's rent?
That is up to your father if he want's to allow that, however he would not have anything left over to cover any damages when they go.

If there is no deposit and they are just refusing to pay then his option is to begin the eviction process as soon as they fail to pay. Chances are they would be out anyway before you could actually evict them though.

Did they give a reason for not wanting to pay the last month?
no they paid damage deposit and he will give it back if there is no damage. etc . but they just want to refuse to pay it because he is moveing back into the upstairs himself? i dont know if thats legal or what he should do :(
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