Late Aparment Delivery + Withholding Rent?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Boston MA


Our apartment was delivered late. We reached a verbal agreement to prorate the apartment for every late day. The landlord now wants us to pay for the last day of renovations, when the apartment was not ready at 10pm. Anyone know if we have to pay? He is trying to pressure us into paying and we keep telling him that 10pm is way to late to be delivering the apartment and asking for a full day's rent.

On a side note, he did not inform us that the apartment was ready either. We just kept checking to see if it was ready.

The only one who can tell you the answer is a judge who hears all the facts, not the few we are hearing here. It seems to me that you're right based upon the limited facts we have here but I don't know where that leaves you.
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