Late fees

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New Member
Can a landlord wait 2 years to charge a late fee on rent? I recently moved (after living in a place for 2 years)and was never charged or notified any late fees until after i moved out. I was expecting my security deposit refund and received a letter instead informing me of 2 yrs of late fees.
Did your lease outline that there would be a late fee if the rent was sent/received after a certain date each month? Was the rent paid before this date? Do you have proof of this?

Send you landlord a demand letter for the full refund. If your landlord refuses and you haven't gotten your refund in 30 days, take the matter to small claims.
The landlord will have to convince a judge that the late fee is applied properly and will have to account for why there was no attempt to collect it until now. It is very possible the late fee will get tossed and you will get your refund.
This sounds like the landlord is just being greedy. Don't let him get away with it.
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