Late on rent, land lord left a threatening letter... Please help!

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New Member
I'm late on my rent, and I told my landlord that I would be, and she accepted my circumstances. I am not months late, just this month. She left a note on my door last night, stating if I didn't have the rent to her by Friday, that she would be there on Saturday to move all my things out. Is that legal? I understand she's frustrated, and stress, as am I. But doesn't she have to file for eviction? Can she really just come in when I'm not there, or even if I am there, and start taking my stuff and putting it outside? Please help. Thank you!
No; she cannot do a "self-eviction". Only a court can do that. But she is giving you notification that if rent is not received by Friday she will likely start the eviction. This means filing in court for such.

If you do not pay by Friday...and she files...and you then come up with the rent money you would also owe for her filing fees.

There is no way she can just come in your home and "place it on the front lawn". She has to go through the court to get the eviction started. You still have time to pay it, but I would do it before Friday!
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