law Enforcemet discrimination

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New Member
Do I have a case, do I have a defense?

I am a victim of a hearing by my state Department of Transportation Safety based on a false report by a law enforcement officer.
A report was filed by a police officer alleging that I may be a safety hazard if allowed to drive based solely on the fact that I have asthma and I am a diabetic.
the facts available are
1. I have NEVER in 40 years had any MV accident.
2.I have only received two moving violations for speed in 40 years.
3. I have NEVER been pulled over by any police officer in any state for driving in a dangerous manner, not having a vehicle under control, etc...
I basically have a totally clean driving record.
without any substantial proof that I could endanger any other person or myself by driving, should this case even be an issue. if this was a court case I would like to believe that it would be dismissed for lack of substantial evidence.

The report the officer filed and the Ambulance run sheet report are totally contradicting. Ambulance says I was not an emergency criteria all vital signs were normal...Officer claims I was having a diabetic emergency. (EMS blood sugar was reported as normal)

the adverse driving report is based on a police officer's fear of the unknown!
this officer has no medical background. the whole report is based on a potential hazard that something COULD happen aolthough in 40 years of driving nothing has ever happened.

if licenses can be revoilked based on something could happen to render me unsafe or potential hazard, then everyone is at risk of losing their licenses. first we start taking licenses away from all diabetics based on the fact that something could happen. then the asthmatics, and then the arthritic, cardiac high blood pressure etc... until no one with any medical condition is able to drive legally.
I am very concerned about the legal prescedence this case may have.
If a person has no adverse history, why should they be considered a threat?
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