Law on Managers going out with employees in California

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What law covers or prohibits managers on going out with staff? Is there a certain mile that have to stay away from work?
I do not know of any law in any State prohibiting this, however, many companies have their own policies regarding dating in the workplace. Are you asking because there's currently a problem stemming from a manager/employee relationship outside the workplace, you are wanting to date an employee or manager, or you feel there's a potential legal matter on the rise involving someone else?
Mikay said:
What law covers or prohibits managers on going out with staff? Is there a certain mile that have to stay away from work?
Malibu Barbie is correct. I don't know why you think this is a "distance" limit. The issue is one of not wanting to have issues within the company regarding nepotism/favoritism, sexual harassment, etc. There might be claims you promoted your girlfriend instead of someone who deserves it, sexual abuse after you break up, etc. It's policy. I would probably want to steer clear of dating anyone within my department for all the obvious reasons.
I agree, every company has their own policy on coworkers romantic involvement. Some have no restrictions, other do not allow a supervisor to date anyone they migth supervise, etc.. It should be in the company handbook if there is a policy.
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