Lawsuit against Dell Financial Services

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New Member
Here's my situation from hell. A friend of mine ordered a laptop from Dell about a year ago. He had a P.O. box at the time, and couldn't have it shipped to his box because they only ship to physical addresses. So he put in my name, and address as the shipping info, and his name, birthdate, SIN#, banking info, etc, for the buyer. Despite having his info, minus his address, Dell Financial Services signed the contract up under my name, and my credit. I'm not sure how they did that, seeing as they didn't have my SIN, or my birthdate. Clearly whoever did the approval didn't care enough to notice the SIN# and birthdate, etc., didn't match, but went ahead anyways. I gave no permission to be the contract holder, or to have it put on my credit. Due to him missing payments, my credit is now damaged and I can't even get a credit card! For the past year, we've been contacting Dell numerous time a month to try and get this fixed, as it's clearly an error on their end. They've told me everything from the computer is under his name, to it being fraud, to it being fixed, and even as far now as to say that by allowing him to ship it to my address, I am liable for the contract, and payments. They refuse to change the name on the contract, or find any way to fix this. I've put in 40+ hours talking to this company, trying to fix a problem that shouldn't be mine in the first place. I've talked to the police, and they recommended to deal with this in court, as it seems that's the only way to get Dell Financial Services to fix it's errors. Please, and advice or help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me at as well.
Here's my situation from hell. A friend of mine ordered a laptop from Dell about a year ago. He had a P.O. box at the time, and couldn't have it shipped to his box because they only ship to physical addresses. So he put in my name, and address as the shipping info, and his name, birthdate, SIN#, banking info, etc, for the buyer. Despite having his info, minus his address, Dell Financial Services signed the contract up under my name, and my credit. I'm not sure how they did that, seeing as they didn't have my SIN, or my birthdate. Clearly whoever did the approval didn't care enough to notice the SIN# and birthdate, etc., didn't match, but went ahead anyways. I gave no permission to be the contract holder, or to have it put on my credit. Due to him missing payments, my credit is now damaged and I can't even get a credit card! For the past year, we've been contacting Dell numerous time a month to try and get this fixed, as it's clearly an error on their end. They've told me everything from the computer is under his name, to it being fraud, to it being fixed, and even as far now as to say that by allowing him to ship it to my address, I am liable for the contract, and payments. They refuse to change the name on the contract, or find any way to fix this. I've put in 40+ hours talking to this company, trying to fix a problem that shouldn't be mine in the first place. I've talked to the police, and they recommended to deal with this in court, as it seems that's the only way to get Dell Financial Services to fix it's errors. Please, and advice or help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me at as well.
I guess this is too big a situation for anyone to give advice on. Or maybe it's such a crazy situation, nobody quite understands. Thanks anyways.
I guess this is too big a situation for anyone to give advice on. Or maybe it's such a crazy situation, nobody quite understands. Thanks anyways.
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