Repairs, Maintenance Lawsuit even after I attempted many times to make repairs?


New Member
New Jersey
Okay so, recently one of my tenants wanted to bring a lawsuit upon me if I was to not make repairs regarding bed bugs and AC. However, I tried many times w experts to fix these problems; even driving the 2 hours to visit the hour many many times. Tenants have also been very hard to work with (not providing us w info, etc.). Could I be rightfully, legally, sued?
Could I be rightfully, legally, sued?

Yes, anybody can sue anybody for anything and, as long as they believed in the cause of action it would be rightful and legal.

Whether they can win is something that's impossible to predict.

Understand, however, that there is no wanting to sue there is only sue or not sue. Until you are served a summons and complaint, treat it as hot air and do the best you can.

I tried many times w experts to fix these problems; even driving the 2 hours to visit the house many many times.

Now you understand how foolish it is to own a rental that is two hours away. You would be wise to get those tenants out as soon as legally possible, sell the place, and stay out of the landlord business.

Let them out of their lease if you have to, give them cash for keys if you have to.

I had rentals for 20 years. In the same town was bad enough. The idea of having them two hours away gives me the heebie jeebies.
In addition to what's already been written, keep in mind that your duty to provide your tenants with habitable premises is not satisfied simply because you tried hard.
Could I be rightfully, legally, sued?

Anyone can be sued any day of the business week, over the course of many days, for anything.

Never wonder about being sued, its a waste of time.

If you are sued, you start preparing your defense.


You gather up all relevant documents, pictures, videos, witnesses, correspondence, etc..

Then you get busy preparing your defense, or you contact a lawyer to assist you in that regard.

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