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New Member
Hi from Florida,
Long story short. My best friend and her boyfriend, were supposed to be bringing me my stuff out of pawn, and my car when they moved to texas. Well, they never brought me my stuff, and are now in texas. I filed a police report and they are now in the national database, and should have warrants out for their arrest soon. Can I sue them for the value of my car and stuff from pawn, and distress?
only if you have proof of the situations, make sure you keep receipts and the such, if the total value is under $5000 go to small clams first.
Sorry Rask, but Sibee is right. 5K is correct for FL
Some things are unclear. Who got the stuff out of pawn if anyone? Who paid for stuff. What there an agreement in writing? Where is stuff now?
The stuff was in my name in the pawn. They called from the pawn shop and the owner asked if I would allow him to get it out for me. I said yes, and my friend told the owner he was bringing it to me with my car. Now he is saying that my car and the stuff from pawn was stolen. I just talked to the officer who tried calling him, and his phone is now disconnected. They do have my car listed in the national database. He is also going to the pawn shop and talking to the owner. So, its a wait and see now.
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