Other Criminal Procedure lawyer subpoenaed a report from a sexual asuault clinic for his own us

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A lawyer subpoenaed a report from a open investigation of sexual asuault and is using it to disprove his clients innocents. How to i get the report thrown out of court or at least not used entill the investigation is concluded
A lawyer subpoenaed a report from a open investigation of sexual asuault and is using it to disprove his clients innocents. How to i get the report thrown out of court or at least not used entill the investigation is concluded

You can't suppress the truth.
You can seek the suppression of a lie or of something determined to be irrelevant.
If a report has been subpoenaed, it may determined to be irrelevant.

The judge presiding over your case decides what comes in and what stays out.

If you're bound and determined to stop the attorney, you FIRE him or her.
If you're no longer represented by that attorney, he or she won't be able to do the thing you disagree with being done.

Then you hire a new attorney, or you you represent yourself.
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