New Member
My Mother passed away in April of last year. My brother is trustee. When this first started last April I was told I should get a special needs trust as I was getting SSI. Well when I called Social Security I found out I was not on SSI but I was on SSDI so I didn't need the SNT. I told my Brother and we had an argument and stopped speaking so he got a lawyer. I refused to sign the declination refusing a special needs trust. Anyway I finally got the accounting for the trust after our parents house sold. So now, which is the reason for my question, the lawyer sent me papers stating that if I didn't sign the declination and sign off on the accounting by June 8th they were going to put my inheritance into a SNT. I finally signed the declination and mailed it but I have issues with the accounting and am not ready to sign it. I do not need or want a SNT. Can they legally do what they said even if I have signed the declination? I hope this makes enough sense.