My home burned at the end of Feb and I had to move into a leased apt in April and it was a one yr. All of a sudden neighbors next to me start calling law and harassing me repeatedly and calling names and threatening me because I'm disabled and have ESA who are my saviors and the bark at doorvwhen coming and going for me or they hate my dogs so muchthat they stay in front f my door on shared porch 24/7and have reported me and called police and embellished stories.. All I've ever did was open door to a policeman and told truth an never been in trouble..but mgmt said I violated lease. Landlord sentvletter a week and half after first warning cuz u get 2...stating my lease was up the 28of this month when my lease is up march rent is always early and nobody in my 4 unit townhouse complained but the couple who repeatedly call law and intimidate and try to provokeme when i go in front or leave on our shared porched and stay outside my door on phone all dayan note to push my dogs to bark. Now the letter from landlord states I have to be out by 28 and hes not renewing my lease becaysev its up then. But It says a year on contract.. What's my recourse besides being homeless with my dogs and harassed on way out. I've done nothing wrong. I think he wants me out to fix this massive roof leak in kitchen from old rusty pipes in bathroom above stove..been waiting to fix it over month now...
I also have 7witness statement's to verify seeing the couple in that unit flint exactly what I've been saying. Plus thevtenabts on the other side will verify Aldo.
If you're asking about a document that the landlord gave you (or mailed to you), that is most likely a request to leave.
If you are in possession of a "notice to vacate", you don't have to leave by that date.
However, you need to get busy finding a new place.
You can contact legal aid in your area and ask if a lawyer or paralegal could help you defend this looming eviction, otherwise you'll have to go it alone.
So, ask churches, social services, legal aid, etc if anyone can help you fight this matter.
In any future posts, please make more of an effort to use proper capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write.
Now the letter from landlord states I have to be out by 28 and hes not renewing my lease becaysev its up then. But It says a year on contract.. What's my recourse
The most logical thing to do would be to call your landlord and discuss why he believes your lease expires soon when you believe it doesn't expire for another eight months. Absent an understanding of why the landlord thinks what he thinks, there's not much to be done.
That said, maybe moving would make everyone happier -- you included.