Lease Agreement

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New Member
I signed a 5 year lease with a leasing agent for a shopping center property. The agent who was managing the site was terminated without our knowledge until we were contacted by the new manager and her company. When our lease was set to expire we asked to speak to the owner of the property per what our lease agreement we signed said "The option shall be excercised by Tenant by giving written notice one hundred eighty days (180) prior to experation of the initial term to Landlord by certified mail at the adress listed". We notofied our property manager that we needed to contact the landlord but we were denied by the property manager any contact information and this id documented by emails. Do we have a case of wrongfull doing by the property manager?
If I understand you correctly you want the Landlord's contact information to give your notice to him/her, right? If that is all you want, give your notice to the Property Manager. The property manager is the designee by the Landlord and any notice given to them is de facto given to the Landlord. Clarify your post if I have your question wrong. I hope that helps.
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