Roomate Lease escape clause to end lease prematurely ?

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Signed a 6-month lease (with a friend, we both signed) a few weeks ago on a house in Portland, Oregon. It included a clause in writing where for a $2400 penalty fee we would end the lease prematurely). I don't understand how that works though; if I unilaterally wanted out of the lease to move somewhere else prior to the end of the lease term (6 months), could/would I pay the $2400 and walk away from the lease, and if I did that with an end date of the end of a current month, would I have to pay the next month's rent as long as I vacate by the end of the month, or does the 30 day notice to renew or not renew the lease still apply? And what about the other person who signed the lease along with me, how does she figure into this, does she have to agree to ending the lease prematurely even though I want out and am willing to pay the $2400 penalty? I just do not understand this. Any help appreciated. Lease is for November 2014 through end of April 2015. $1600/month. $1800 damage deposit has been paid. I am just not sure I can get along with the person I signed with on this lease, contemplating ending the lease prematurely, just need to understand my options.
Signed a 6-month lease (with a friend, we both signed) a few weeks ago on a house in Portland, Oregon. It included a clause in writing where for a $2400 penalty fee we would end the lease prematurely). I don't understand how that works though; if I unilaterally wanted out of the lease to move somewhere else prior to the end of the lease term (6 months), could/would I pay the $2400 and walk away from the lease, and if I did that with an end date of the end of a current month, would I have to pay the next month's rent as long as I vacate by the end of the month, or does the 30 day notice to renew or not renew the lease still apply? And what about the other person who signed the lease along with me, how does she figure into this, does she have to agree to ending the lease prematurely even though I want out and am willing to pay the $2400 penalty? I just do not understand this. Any help appreciated. Lease is for November 2014 through end of April 2015. $1600/month. $1800 damage deposit has been paid. I am just not sure I can get along with the person I signed with on this lease, contemplating ending the lease prematurely, just need to understand my options.

You first want to discuss this with your landlord or the rental agent/manager.
If you want out, but the other party doesn't, you MIGHT not be allowed to break the lease.
In that case, you are free to leave, but still expected to pay your HALF of the monthly rent.
IF the landlord allows you to break the lease, normally 30 days notice is required, or your half of the rent PLUS the $2400 early out fee.

Whatever is agreed to, ALWAYS get it in writing signed by the landlord or his/her agent!

Or, you can continue to pay your half of the rent but choose to live elsewhere.
If the other person STOPS paying the rent, things could get very raggedy.
The landlord could choose to sue you, the other person, or both of you for the unpaid rent.

This is why I advise people NOT to take roommates.

It rarely ends well with adults!
Ugh. Well it looks like I am stuck then until the lease ends April 30 2015, and I will be sure to give written notice around or about mid March of NOT wanting to renew the lease. Question--- I have the right, unilaterally, I assume, to NOT renew the lease? I can not imagine a situation where I would be bound to renew the lease if the other party involved (roommate, also on the lease) wanted to renew the lease and I did not?
Ugh. Well it looks like I am stuck then until the lease ends April 30 2015, and I will be sure to give written notice around or about mid March of NOT wanting to renew the lease. Question--- I have the right, unilaterally, I assume, to NOT renew the lease? I can not imagine a situation where I would be bound to renew the lease if the other party involved (roommate, also on the lease) wanted to renew the lease and I did not?

I'd give at least 60 days notice, and then a 30 day reminder of my previous 60 day notice.
I'd send it by registered mail, return receipt requested (or FedEx or UPS overnight, you get proof of delivery there, too).

If you choose NOT to renew, it doesn't matter what the other dude does.
I'd copy the roomie on all correspondence to the landlord, and get proof of delivery to him, too!
Just make sure you keep proof of everything.
Also upon moving out, take pictures and videos of the unit's condition.
If possible, get the landlord to accompany you doing a move out walkthrough.
Again, request him to be there, or send a representative.
If he refuses, document, document EVERYTHING!
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