Lease Law in Texas

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New Member
I have been talking with a gentleman who has his building for Lease or Sale.
I informed him around two weeks ago that I was interested.
He got back with me and informed me before we do anything I needed to make sure that this place would fit my needs.
So I talked with the city and the fire marshall and found out what I needed to do to proceed ( Resteraunt,bar and Cafe).
I spoke back with the owner and informed him all was good I was ready to commit.
Week went by I called him again, He then stated that he wanted some rental references..Ok no problem. At end of week I asked him again "Are we doing a lease?" He stated that he was going out of town but he would drop off the lease for me to look at and we would get togather at end of week..he then asked for my information to put in lease, and let me know it would be for a year. I met him on that Monday he gave me the lease and he stated that he would be out of pocket until middle of week.
Middle of week I again called and said Lease looked good are we still going to sign on Friday. He said yes let do this. I started changing my TABC Lic and contacted Movers..Informed my current LandLord that we would be out by first left on great terms..etc..Friday came no signing..He called and said not in town we will do this Sat. Mourning. He calls me on Sat and States that I will be mad at him but he wants to see a Business Plan and a Menu and wants to know how much money my banker will give me. I want to know if he can do this..Landlord now has rented our place our shop is in already, and come Aug 1st if this guy does not come through I will lose all my investment my job etc and all the fees I paid to start this transfer. What are my rights on this I trusted him when I asked him if this was a go where I good start my paperwork he said yes.
Did you have an agreed upon price and length of agreement? Did he know that you were going to be terminating your other arrangements? If the answers to those questions are yes, then you may have a case under a tort theory of "detrimental reliance" - he represented to you a firm offer that he knew you would rely upon and, if not completed, would be detrimental to you. Otherwise, if there weren't firm numbers in place and/or the landlord didn't know of your other arrangements, it would seem that there was no firm agreement in place that merely needed to be memorialized.
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