Lease/security deposit return

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I leased an apartment with my girlfriend last July, but we broke up in November and I moved out. She still lives there... she found another roommate recently who moved in on May 1. When and how do I get my security deposit back?
I leased an apartment with my girlfriend last July, but we broke up in November and I moved out. She still lives there... she found another roommate recently who moved in on May 1. When and how do I get my security deposit back?

It depends on how you vacated the premises.

Did you get permission from the landlord to escape the lease?

Have you been making YOUR payments on the lease?

What does the lease say regarding early termination of your lease?

I don't have enough information to make an intelligent analysis.

I'm guessing that you didn't inform the landlord of your intentions to break the lease after 4 months.

If you just vacated the premises, you might not be able to get your security deposit returned.

You can review the law at this website:
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