Consumer Law, Warranties Left Company, Now They Are About To Sue For Contract Violations (TN and GA)

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I left company XYZ a couple weeks ago. I was in charge of their online sales. I had an employment contract that had convenants saying I couldnt steal their customers or property, and I couldnt recruit or hire their employees... I also had to do what was in the companies best interest.

About 2 weeks before I left I started preparing a new company. While my goal was not to take their future sales, the companies would be competing. I did use company resources (their internet, computer, and phone) to start preparing the new company. I intentially did not tell any customers about the new company... only some of the vendors. My first sale was 5 days after my date of termination. Last week they sent me letters saying I breached the contract by working on the new company while still being employed (I thought in TN and GA you do have the right to prepare for a new company), for hiring an employee of theirs (he quit a couple days after me, but he was upset about the direction of the company and a recent pay cut). While we talked about him coming to join me, I have not hired him to date. And last, for stealing their customers and destroying documents about future projects. ( I have not contacted any customer to tell them about my new company before or after I left.)

The last part of the agreement holds me responsible for all costs (attorneys etc.) if I have violated any of these terms. I am scared, about where this case is going... as they have hired some big shot attorney. They want me to shut down my new company and pay them $100,000 in damages. Otherwise they are taking this to the GA Federal Court. I have to respond today or they will sue.

I have contacted three different attorneys... And all have said that they dont have a case, but it could cost 20,000-30,000 to defend. I asked then if I had the right to counter sue for damages and attorney costs and they said the chances are slim of winning.

AGHHHH... I just want to move on with my life.
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