Left lease early, roommate stayed

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New Member
I was just wondering, this is a complicated situation. I lived with a roommate and we both signed a lease. I have a small son with a lot of medical issues (he is two) . . she got a boyfriend, and I came home from work to discover him there in our apartment with no one else there. This is how I found out he had a key, which my roommate had given him, without my permission or even asking me. He had had it and been entering our apartment for over a month to this point. I immediately questioned my roommate. She would not take back his key. She had him over constantly - staying overnight, taking showers, cooking in the kitchen, etc etc. . I expressed disfavor with this. She would not listen. I told her I wanted to move out when she wouldn't take back the key. . a month afterward, I opened the garage and his furniture and other belongins were packed in there like a storage. I was not asked nor did I give permission. I asked her if since her boyfriend was already living there if he would take over my lease as i was leaving - I am not okay with someone there when I have a son without my permission. I left four months early out of the lease. Now we the lease is up, and I come to find out my name is still on the lease - her boyfriend never added himself, the locks were changed right after i left, and i was never reimbursed any deposit (pet damage deposit or rental deposit) by her boyfriend. As far as I know their living arrangement stayed the same. Our name is on the check for the deposit we got back from the landlords(they wrote one check to us with both names). We do not speak, see each other or anything. She wants to keep part of my deposit. I say that I should get half . . the landlords were aware of the situation and that I was leaving. Can she take me to court to get rent back from me? Can she keep part of my deposit? Long story, I know.
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She can not cash that check without you being there. So you can probably enforce getting your part of the deposit by just refusing to help her cash the check. If she cashes it without you she is guilty of forgery and could go to jail. She can not get back rent from you. You left on an agreement and she knew it. You cannot "leave a lease" like you are saying. You better be glad she stayed there and paid the rent or the landlord might have come after you for the past due rent. Hold out for the deposit money or go see if the Landlord will write you two checks. If he won't have him take the money to the court and put it in the registry of the court. Then you two can go before a judge and the judge will make the decision.
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