Legal Definition of California Sexual Harassment Law

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Do you want to know about California sexual harassment law definition? Sexual harassment is one of the most active areas of California employment discrimination law. The basic legal definition of sexual harassment in California employment law is of two categories, these are given below:

· "Quid pro quo" harassment, In this case employment is made depend upon an employee's acceptance of a supervisor's unwanted sexual advances; and

· "Hostile work environment" harassment, if someone's unprofessional and unwelcome sexual conducts—which may not include direct sexual advances--makes an abusive work environment for an employee.

In both of the case "quid pro quo" harassment and "hostile work environment" harassment need that sexual conduct be unwelcome. If an employee really welcomes the sexual advances or comments by a coworker or supervisor, there is no "sexual harassment" under the FEHA/Government Code 12940 GC.
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