You can take out life ins. on a brother with you being the owner (immediate family members automatically have an insurable interest) but brother still has to sign application if an adult agreeing to this & to verify that answers to questions are correct. Brother would be applicant (insured if policy issued) & you would be owner. Even a husband would have to sign an application as applicant/insured where wife is taking out ins. on him with wife being owner/signing as owner. An adult has to sign their own application. Also, underwriting has to be done & the person might not qualify medically or otherwise. There are some cos. that sell up to a certain limit without underwriting (you can find them on the internet/get advertisements through the mail) but will not pay if person dies within first two years. However, they still generally require that the person to be insured (if an adult) sign the application. You can talk to an agent or a broker - they might be able to tell you based on brother's disability if he would even qualify for ins. through a regular co. that uses agents/brokers & that does underwriting.