Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Legal Harassment

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I have a neighbor that has called the police on me about 50-75 times in the past two years for various things. The police always tell me that there is nothing wrong but that they have to come out when they are called. Now they say I have to get a lawyer to get the police records of the calls. Is this true? I was told that they were public record. I need these records to show the judge that he is legally harassing me.
You name it.
My kids playing basketball in the street, skateboarding. My son having friends over. Anything that he finds. Now its my dog and he has had me arrested for harassment for telling him to stop. He lied and said that I said things I did not say. The police tell me that we are not doing anything wrong but that they have to come when they get a call. Now they just tell us to have a nice day, night, or whatever. But I want the jusdge to see how many times he has called the police to me. It is unbelieveable.
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