Legal Name change please help

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My fiance is wanting to change his last name to match his family name, he was given his biological father's last name at birth but has never met his father but his stepfather has been in his life since he was an infant. His mother is married to his stepfather and they have two children together and so they are all of the same last name and my fiance would like to be a part of the family by having the same last name. Unfortunately he has a few felonies on his record so it is not such an easy process. I understand for the most part what we need to do, what is confusing to me is that we have to serve the prosecuting athority for each case, i have the form to serve them I am just not sure how to go about serving them......Please any advice would help
Go to your states law page online, look under Civil Litigatioin or Civil Procedure. It should be in the first part of the code.
travel with a felony

I am a US Citizen. I just recenty married an Bahamain who has a felony of 7 yrs ago. Is it possible for him to travel here on occasion with me to the US? We also would like to go to Cancun Mexico for some R & R. He thinks that he would have to go to Miami and board the boat to take a cruise ship should we want to cruise and that it won't be possible. He has a Bahamain Passport. Last year he went to Canada and wan not allowed to enter they sent him back to Bahamas.
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