Legal or illegal


New Member
Here's my question. im a lead at a warehouse, it started last summer , someone came to me and reported theft , I took it to my manager and told him about the theft . About two months went by and my manager calls me into the office and tells me my name is thrown in with the theft saying I had something to do with it. I left his office and went to my HR and I was told I misunderstood him and I said no I didn't . I think he got into trouble for saying that to me. Now it's time for year end reviews and the other dads got the max raise and I got less than the max. My attendance is better than any of the leads, I trained to do documents which no other lead can do and my supervisor said he put in for me to get the max raise and my manager told him no. I was told my manager holds grudges . Do I have a case ?
No, you do not have a "case". No law entitles you to an increase at all, let alone the maximum, regardless of what others may have gotten. Nothing illegal here.
You are not entitled by law to a raise/increase at all let alone max., no matter what others received, unless you have a binding employment contract guaranteeing such a raise. No, you do not have a case. The law only requires that you be paid at least min. wage. I don't see, based on what you posted, that you were discriminated against due to a reason prohibited by law (example gender, religion, race.....) Sorry.