Let go after being i told i was too qualified

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New Member
In February, i was laid off from a school that was closing, i was working in financial aid. There were no postings that were hiring for that type of position anywhere. So i recieved a job in March, as an Office Manager. I completed tasks to the best of my ability, without any compliaint from anyone. Well, Last week i was laid off due to my over experience, and i was told that i was not "Fit" for the job. I found out yesterday, that they hired someone for my position. Is this legal ? In my mind, i truly believe that i was laid off to hire someone at a lower salary, to make payroll cuts. If that is the case, should i have been told so. It bothers me that i do not know why i was laid off.
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Yes, this is legal. Why do you think that the answer you were given (which is a legal reason) is not true?
You probably never will because employers don't have to explain to you why you are being let go. Here is a link for you to see what constitutes legal/illegal firing and what exceptions apply when it comes to being a contracted/union employees (which I don't get from your posting you are.) Hope this helps!

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