Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct License plate running

I have a question, My boyfriend and his ex wife are currently going through a divorce however during this time she works for her mom who manages an insurance company. She texted me letting me know that my sister owns my jeep and the jeep is in my sisters name and she had to run my plates through there system because she needed it for her divorce with my boyfriend is that legal for her to do so without my knowledge and My assets are not part of their divorce, she claims she thought it was for her divorce because she thought it was his vehicle but never reached out to his lawyer to ask the question she decided to run the plates. Is this legal?
Insurance people often have the authority and the ability to obtain motor vehicle records that the public cannot.

However, running the plates for that purpose likely exceeded that authority.

I suggest you file a written complaint with the DMV. I don't know what, if any, the penalties are but my guess is that the Mom will feel a little heat over it.
Texas is one of several states that sells citizen data to private entities.

Your voting, driving, licensing, civil, and criminal data is being sold.

You and millions of other people can use any of a number of private data sites to research this data.

There are many categories one can apply when looking at this data, lawyer, business, or the old catch all RESEARCH purposes.

www.publicdata.com and www.spokeo.com are but two of the many sites where anyone can look up dirt on anyone they choose.

Some data can be discovered for free, some data has a price.

These sites have a plan for the big, the small, and the nosy.
I don't think it is possible for your boyfriend to be currently going through a divorce with his ex-wife.

I doubt the issue with her checking the vehicle information was illegal- not the way it could be for someone else accessing similar information via state databases. It could be an issue of employer policy, but if mom is the boss I wouldn't expect a problem there either.

No harm, no foul. You have no damages. Let this guy sort out his business with his wife he is not yet divorced from. Until that is complete you can expect problems to come up, and sometimes after.
If your sister owns it, then how is it "my jeep"? Sounds like its her jeep.

Unless you can explain exactly what "run my plates through the system" means, we have no way of intelligently assessing legality.

The Jeep is in my sisters name because I could not place it in my name because I have two other expensive vehicles under my name. I'm in possession of the jeep and make all payments. So because their divorce is not finalized she ran the plates to verify who owned the jeep. Is that legal when she works at an insurance company owned by her mom.
I don't think it is possible for your boyfriend to be currently going through a divorce with his ex-wife.

I doubt the issue with her checking the vehicle information was illegal- not the way it could be for someone else accessing similar information via state databases. It could be an issue of employer policy, but if mom is the boss I wouldn't expect a problem there either.

No harm, no foul. You have no damages. Let this guy sort out his business with his wife he is not yet divorced from. Until that is complete you can expect problems to come up, and sometimes after.

Their divorce has been on going for a year and half. Due to the fact that she doesn't want to sign papers she keeps postponing it. However she ran his social and the jeep didn't come out so she works at an insurance company owned by her mom and has no legal right to run a jeep that he is not the owner of. Am I right.
she works at an insurance company owned by her mom and has no legal right to run a jeep that he is not the owner of. Am I right.

I can't pronounce you right or wrong.

I can tell you that in Texas anyone who subscribes to one of dozens of online search agencies, some of them are even FREE, can look up license plate numbers, voter records, civil lawsuit data, divorce information, etc...

You are allowed to do this because in Texas it isn't illegal.

There is nothing protected about who owns a home, real estate, a boat, a farm, a ranch, or an automobile.

Even if it had been illegal, proving she did it would be insurmountable.

I'll tell you what is illegal in Texas, hiding assets to avoid the equal distribution of those assets during a divorce proceeding.

If I were you, I'd stop prattling on about this, before you find yourself standing before a Texas District Court Judge.
So because their divorce is not finalized she ran the plates to verify who owned the jeep. Is that legal when she works at an insurance company owned by her mom.

To quote what I wrote previously: "Unless you can explain exactly what 'run my plates through the system' means, we have no way of intelligently assessing legality."

The Jeep is in my sisters name because I could not place it in my name because I have two other expensive vehicles under my name.

There's no law that precludes a person from owning more than two vehicles. In any event, if it's registered in her name, then it's legally hers.
agreed that i used to do background checks using Publicdata and often ran license plates for all sorts of reasons on there for those in the great state of Texas...... nothing illegal, but you did have to declare the purpose although "research" was on option.

And btw, this isnt' an ex-wife if the divorce isnt' final.
I can't pronounce you right or wrong.

I can tell you that in Texas anyone who subscribes to one of dozens of online search agencies, some of them are even FREE, can look up license plate numbers, voter records, civil lawsuit data, divorce information, etc...

You are allowed to do this because in Texas it isn't illegal.

There is nothing protected about who owns a home, real estate, a boat, a farm, a ranch, or an automobile.

Even if it had been illegal, proving she did it would be insurmountable.

I'll tell you what is illegal in Texas, hiding assets to avoid the equal distribution of those assets during a divorce proceeding.

If I were you, I'd stop prattling on about this, before you find yourself standing before a Texas District Court Judge.

No assets are being hidden or have been kept from their divorce.

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