Lien released no title given dmv loan NV


New Member
hi I will try to keep this short as possible.
I bought a car with written and verbal agreement I would get the title or go with the owner to DMV to transfer it.
After paying for it and getting an NV DMV bill of sale signed by the owner to
Me I discover there's a loan on it

I get the sellers i.d and registration from him confirming it's him and the cars in his name.
I take this with all evidence to the DMV
They tell me yes you can get the title but to go to the loan co and get lien release paperwork and come back
I find them ( DMV won't tell
Me) and the seller is avoiding all
My calls and texts so I can't ask him

The loan co tell me they will give me papers to get the title from DMV if I pay them in cash $400 to clear the lien.
I pay it and return to the DMV but now it's a different story I am told no go back to loan co and get the title
I return to the loan company who tell me to go back to DMV and speak with supervisor.

I do this and he tells me it's now clear no problem and the title has been mailed to the loan co and to go back there in a few days when it arrives bringing my current docs bill of sale etc.

I call the loan co and explain it but now they're saying I can't have the title and denying all knoledge they said I could if I paid them.

DMV next then also deny telling me to go back in a few days when it arrives at thevlosn office.

They also are now claiming that a DMV issued bill of sale has no meaning in any state in the USA!

The loan co NOW tell me the seller has to walk in with I.d and they will THEN give me the title
Annoying but very simple except
The seller isn't responding to any calls texts etc either from me on various phones or from the loan co
Now I have an undrivable car I can't scrap or fix and use untill I get the title and I'm out of pocket for paying off a strangers debt

How should I proceed?
How should I proceed?

There are few options available to you.

You placed yourself in this box when you bought a car from a private seller, handed over the cash BEFORE you got the title signed over into your name.

This is something we all learned to do properly by 5 years old.
If I wanted to trade my yellow boulder marble to Bobby for his cateye marble, we exchanged the items at the same time.
If the trader wasn't willing to do it exactly that way, no deal, no how, no way.

Those who practice two of the world's avocations, prostitution and drug dealing, don't fork over the product or perform the ACT, until they have ALL of the cash in hand.

Have you talked with DMV about ontaining a "bonded title"?

A bonded title, also known as a "Certificate of Title Surety", is a document that proves a person's ownership of a motor vehicle. It can be used in place of a standard vehicle title in order to register a car with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), buy insurance for the car, or sell the car.

Read this:

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes Getting A Bonded Title

Now this:

Get a Duplicate Nevada Car Title | DMV.ORG
If the seller will not cooperate, there isn't much choice except bonded title. It's possible/probable that the seller committed fraud by selling you a vehicle that was lien free. You might visit your local police station with the bill of sale and discuss that possibility.
And don't waste any more time with the finance company. They have no obligation to give you anything since you are not their customer.
1 - While DMV.ORG often comes up in a search for a state's DMV it is NOT the DMV of any state and sometimes has incomplete or erroneous information.

2 - I have managed to compile a list of 32 states that allow owners to post a bond to get title. Nevada is not one of them and I have found nothing in the Nevada vehicle title statutes that says otherwise.

OP may have to take up residence (with his vehicle) in a state that does allow vehicle title bonds.
Thankyou for the useful replies and not assumptions
For the record and no defence I know but I am a legal perm resident from an allied country and recent resident of NV from other states. So I am not familiar with different laws etc on titles etc etc. and laws seem to change by city or state all very confusing....sorry

I have many texts confirming from the seller that the vehicle is his in his name with a clean title in hand also later saying he forgot it then can't find it then will go to DMV with me etc I also NEVER handed over any money untill he gave me a copy of his I.d the registration and
A DMV issued bill of sale I was 60 miles away from home at this point with my trailor to load it

Later I discovered the lien issue and questioned him about it but it was clear now he was f.o.s
Going on advice from the DMV in person and the loan co in person I handed over the $400 to get the title .

Then after more visits to the DMV and loan co the storys changed and I need the p.o to sign some papers even though the car is now lien free and I have all the docs etc to proove i was even advised there is video footage of me questioning and getting advice before and after paying the money to get the title in the loan office. Maybe the DMV actually do keep recordings of the calls hmmm right

I tried repeatedly to contact the seller But he is / was unresponsive then suddenly contacted me and the loan co saying he will go into the loan office and deal with it
But he hasn't. Infact he started sending paranoid texts asking if I work for any loan co etc is this really my number etc.

After asking somebody to do some research for me I now learn the guys a serious fellon and I am not stupid enough to turn up at his various addresses or place of work without assistance there was also some rather suspicious items found in the vehicle.

I have followed all the steps and advice given to
Me by the DMV and the loan co.
The guys still not complying with my polite requests or the loan co requests to simply walk into the office and take care of it. I don't get it I'm helping the guy out what's the issue??

However I have an update the loan co now tell me to file a police report and bring us the case number and they will release the title
He is forcing my hand to go this or another route

For anybody reading this the loan co eventually tell
Me that the nv DMV recently changed rules and the loan co have had titles issued this way many times with no issue even with a scribbled out bill of sale but now it's changed . They never advised me of this before I paid. Niether the DMV or the loan co

Do I try to speak to a bailif?
A police officer? The sheriff?
Where? The place the guy lives?
The place I live?
Small claims ?
The place I picked up the vehicle?
Then there's various title company's I found doing a search but that involves more money.


Thankyou for the useful
Advice and sorry for my lazy grammar
You make a police report in the city, town, or county where the crime is alleged to have transpired.

You can start by calling the detective bureau or desk sergeant of the appropriate agency and inquiring how best to proceed.
You make a police report in the city, town, or county where the crime is alleged to have transpired.

You can start by calling the detective bureau or desk sergeant of the appropriate agency and inquiring how best to proceed.

Could I get a court order based on my docs texts etc to get the title from the DMV then pursue my lost $400 through the seller or the loan co with a police report etc also based on my docs and supporting evidence ?
Sorry I am a little green with this
I am also concerned that if I sell the car with complete transparency the new owner could do whatever they like with it commit crime abandon it etc etc and suddenly and conveniently the bill of sale now does legaly connect it to me .?

And for anybody else looking into this arriving here
What states are ok to get a title with a bill of sale
Official or otherwise ?

I know people DO get titles on cars bought with NO title I have even done it myself several times all legal but this is a bit different and it allways seems that if you talk to the DMV in any state you get different answers with different people.

I am also concerned that if I sell the car with complete transparency the new owner could do whatever they like with it commit crime abandon it etc etc and suddenly and conveniently the bill of sale now does legaly connect it to me .?

And for anybody else looking into this arriving here
What states are ok to get a title with a bill of sale
Official or otherwise ?

I know people DO get titles on cars bought with NO title I have even done it myself several times all legal but this is a bit different and it allways seems that if you talk to the DMV in any state you get different answers with different people.


Never buy a car unless you've done due diligence and KNOW with 100% certainty the title is valid.

I've never bought a vehicle from a private seller.

I've never bought any used vehicles, either.

If you assume the risk of buying from a private seller, you also must use extreme diligence to avoid getting ripped off.

Did you read the information on the links?

If you do, many of your questions will be answered.

If you have more questions, go in person to the DMV and ask an agent.

Conducting business over the telephone is often useless, when push comes to shove.

If you visit the DMV, you can ask for written information to support your queries.
Yes I did look at the links and I called both places
and I appreciate it however They both told me (despite NV being in the link)
That just as adjusterjack advised NV is not a state that allows bonded titles and they can't help.
But they did give me advice regards pursuing this via other channels

Also as explained I have personally been to the DMV and the loan co several times with this particular matter and got conflicting advice along with the numerous waste of time misinformation phone calls

Ironically On the other side the coin as you mention it my family own Various brands of new car dealerships so I know the mark up,s. we occasionally do buy vehicles at cost for ourselves but even then I'm reluctant as I know the instant devaluation on these new vehicles unless it's a limited dealer supply model in that case it's an investment.
Ive also seen and heard the high fives and laughter of some of our salesmen after a sale is made so personally we still prefer to 99% buy used including the Trade ins. But ... I'm still not fluent in all title rulings etc

I will continue to pursue this untill it gets resolved
Thankyou again for all the advise given
I deal with the DMV all the time and it's not unusual to get incorrect information. We joke sometimes that it depends on what day of the week it is. Good luck.
The information one receives from some anonymous government bureaucrat or worker drone should always be suspect until you prove the answer beyond any doubt.
I do have a related question. If ever I had cause for concern in a situation like this and then based on my full police report the police wanted to forensic search or /and impound the vehicle how long do they keep it can I allow them to do so at my premises and is there any charges for storage etc what happens to get it released? How does that whole thing usually work?

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