New Member
My Mother had her lawyer draw up a life estate for me and drew up a deed that was executed (signed by mom) in early 2004. My mother is now in the throws of severe dementia and my brother and my sister who are co poa's as a third sibling has recently passed and he was the other co poa. My brother and sister fired her lawyer and took all the documents and hired a new lawyer who now tells me that the family residential trust agreement (life estate) is not worth the paper it is written on because the trust was never funded by recording the deed with the county. My brother especially always said that by "hook or by crook" this life estate must be changed. They will not let me see any of the documents including the poa so I can verify that they are indeed her poas. They definatlely have the executed deed and i guess they can just destroy it and nobody will ever know mom's real wishes. I want to know if called upon can her previous lawyer state that it was executed as he was the witness who signed as witness and/or the notary who notarized it can also verified it existed. From what i understand a deed does not have to be recorded immediately in Penna. and it appears that my mom's poa and their new lawyer are at the very least not working in the interest of mom and her written wishes and instead are working in the interest of their own interests which are definately not the same as moms. It seems that the time and money mom spent to make sure I had a place to live is for naught. My wife and I have been her primary caregivers for the last 3 years and she can NEVER be left alone even for a few minutes not to mention that she has to be wiped clean by someone after she soils herself among other things. I guess I am dead in the water here as usual unless someone can give me some hope that I won't be in the street or at their mercy in that respect...