Limitations for exempt employees

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: WI

I am a salaried exempt employee. I do not hold a position in management. I wanted to know if there is a rule regarding when a position is considered exempt. Should it be for management only? Also, are there limitations? We have been expected to work ridiculous hours. Working 6 days a week sometimes working 60 - 70 hours in a week. Working from 6am to 5pm with no lunch. It's exhausting and I wasn't sure if it was lawful. Any assistance and information someone can give me would be helpful.
Yes, there is a law regarding when an employee can and cannot be considered exempt. It is based upon your job DUTIES. Not your title. Not your hours. Not how you get paid. Not your benefits. There is a floor salary to be met and after that is met, the SOLE criteria is what you actually do.

Not all exempt employees are salaried. Not all salaried employees are exempt.

There are only two states, California and Maine, where there are any limitations placed on the number of hours an employee can be required to work. The hours you describe would be legal in California and would probably be legal in Maine (depending on EXACTLY how many hours were worked each week). 60-70 hours per week is not at all uncommon for exempt employees and not uncommon for non-exempt employees.

WI recommends but does not require a 30 minute meal break near the middle of the shift.

There is no state where it is illegal to require employees to work 6 days a week. There are a few where 7 days a week is illegal but 6 days is legal everywhere in the US.
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