Little Literature, need Advice

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New Member
I have been trying to find something about the age of consent laws in MA. In several other states it has stipulations written, like if the two are both in high school, or if parents consent was given. If the boy was 18 and the girl was 15 with the mothers consent, is that still considered illegal??? if what I am interpreting what I am reading correctly, two people , one being the age of 18 and the other 15 can date, as long as no sexual intercourse occurs until she is 16? Parental consent does not matter and there aren't any stipulations for MA, Right?

Thank you for your help.
The parents cannot make something illegal, legal. In other words, they cannot consent to their underage child having sex.

The "Romeo and Juliet" clause defines two underage kids who are very close in age. In some states, it's more or less an absolute defense. In others, it simply brings down the charge from statutory rape (for example), to something far less serious.

There is also no state which defines when a teen can date - it actually DOES depend entirely on whether the minor's parents consent.
They can date with minor parents consent. However, dating means no sexual contact of any kind.
There is no state where parental permission for sexual activity below the age of consent makes it legal. In fact, if Mom gives her 15 year old permission to have sex below the age of consent, Mom can go to jail.

Please also be aware that the age of majority in MA is 18. Mom cannot make the illegal, legal, but she can make the legal, illegal. She can't give permission for a minor to have sex below the age of consent, but she can prohibit a 16 year old from seeing a potential sex partner. Just because the state will no longer throw the adult partner in jail does not mean Mom is obligated to allow the minor child to have even non-sexual contact with him.
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I have been trying to find something about the age of consent laws in MA. In several other states it has stipulations written, like if the two are both in high school, or if parents consent was given. If the boy was 18 and the girl was 15 with the mothers consent, is that still considered illegal??? if what I am interpreting what I am reading correctly, two people , one being the age of 18 and the other 15 can date, as long as no sexual intercourse occurs until she is 16? Parental consent does not matter and there aren't any stipulations for MA, Right?

Thank you for your help.

Permit me to assist and elucidate, madam.

First of all, let's remove the word dating from our queries.

I now proffer a different set of questions.

My name is Mrs. Baby.

I have a daughter aged fifteen, named Darling.

Is it illegal for my darling daughter Darling to have a friend and playmate, aged 19, named Peepers?

My answer would then read:

Dear Mrs. Baby:

No, if you want your dear, darling, sweet daughter, Darling to accept the friendship offered by Peepers, aged 19, that's quite legal.

But, I'm wondering why a 19 year old lad would wish to befriend a (INSERT AGE OF ANY MINOR CHILD HERE) year old girl or boy?

Don't you think that's odd, mom?

Oh well, its your call, Mrs. Baby, after all; you're her mom and charged with protecting Darling.

Your pal, Con Vic Ted

As mentioned above, the age only determines whether rape status apply. There are other laws to worry about, including, but not limited to this one:

Chapter 272
Section 4. Whoever induces any person under 18 years of age of chaste life to have unlawful sexual intercourse shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than three years or in a jail or house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by both such fine and imprisonment.
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