live-in boyfriend

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New Member
I have asked my live-in boyfriend of less than a year to move out. He says he has legal rights since he receives mail at my adress. There are no legal binding contracts. We were engaged for a short time. We both agree that the relationship is over and that we will never marry. He wants to stay here as "roomates" rather than leaving. The tension is hard,the snipes and verbal abuse are stressing me out. I want him to leave. He is on alot of anti-depressants and there's guns in the house.I own the house,everything is in my name. He does pay half of the mortgage and utilities. What are my options??
Jacksgal is right, and chances are he won't leave by the end of the notice to vacate, so you will have to evict him. That means he is right, he has tenant rights.

66-28-512. Termination of periodic tenancy – Holdover remedies.

(a) The landlord or the tenant may terminate a week-to-week tenancy by a written notice given to the other at least ten (10) days prior to the termination date specified in the notice.
(b) The landlord or the tenant may terminate a month-to-month tenancy by a written notice given to the other at least thirty (30) days prior to the periodic rental date specified in the notice.
(c) If the tenant remains in possession without the landlord's consent after expiration of the term of the rental agreement or its termination, the landlord may bring an action for possession and if the tenant's holdover is willful and not in good faith, the landlord, in addition, may recover actual damages sustained by the landlord, plus reasonable attorney's fees. If the landlord consents to the tenant's continued occupancy, § 66-28-201(c) applies.
His mail really has nothing to do with it, but he is right, he does have tenant rights.
Begin the eviction process as soon as possible.

You might be able to encourage him to leave by not stocking up the refrigerator, removing the microwave and other conveniences that belong to you, toilet paper from the bathroom, and maybe even a few light bulbs in the common areas. This will inconvenience you for awhile too, but might serve its purpose and persuade him to leave sooner than later.

Don't change locks, cut electricity, or anything of that sort or you will get yourself in trouble :(
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