Living on my own...

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New Member
So my mom just got a new job in Indiana which 1 1/2 hours away from where we are now. The only problem is that I am enrolled in a program that gives me a free college education through my high school. If I move away, I no longer get this dual credit education. Are there any options that allow me to stay and her to move? I am seventeen years old and will be eighteen in less than six months. My younger brother will be moving with her and my dad may as well. The best option for us is to have me stay in a house that my dad owns but is currently unoccupied while the rest of them move to Indiana. Is this legal? Even with parental consent? Or do I have to have a parent present?
If your parents give you permission to live on your own, you may. It will not be a violation of any law as long as you have permission.

However, it is possible that you *may* need to have a parent enroll you in school. You will have to check with the school district for what rules they have and whether they require a parent to be present for you to continue to attend that program.
It is only a problem when parents leave children alone who are unable to care for themselves. At 17, you should be more than able.... just don't burn the place down.
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