Education, Other Living status


New Member
A team of us came to the US from Jamaica on track scholarship. Before we came here, the coach visit us and made a lot of promises and guarantees us that we will get job right away once we get here. When we reach, they coach put all of us(7) in one of his small one bedroom house to live and told us that each person must pay $100 in rent plus other fees to cover utilities. While it's difficult, we decided we will make it work but we have been living here for months and we still haven't been able to find work. When we ask the coach, he refer us to the school and the school is saying they don't have any job opening. Because we haven't been able to find jobs, we haven't been able to pay rent and cover the other cost for a few months and the coach have been giving us notice and demanding that pay by February 1, otherwise he's going to kick us out the house and put us on bus to Miami. We still have our scholarship but we don't know what to do. We used all the savings our family had to pay for the cost to come here and it would be devastating to go back without any education after spending so much money. What can we do?
What can we do?

No one owes you anything.
If you had received a scholarship to an NCAA Division I college, you wouldn't have this issue.
You aren't easily able to be employed, while here for educational purposes.
Furthermore, jobs aren't that plentiful for US citizens.
I suggest you take the coach up on his offer, and return to Jamaica.
He can't legally just send you on a bus to Miami.
The school is obligated to pay your return passage to Jamaica.
I suggest you get out while you can, and while the getting is good.
Otherwise, things are going to get much worse for you.

You can contact the folks at this agency to assist you with your repatriation to Jamaica.

Or call this agency to report your exploitation by your college:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Wichita Port of Entry
Federal Government Office Address: 1700 S Airport Rd, Wichita, KS 67209
Phone: (316) 613-4194

Or these nice folks:

US Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Federal Government Office Address: 550 W Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67203
Phone: (316) 293-2400

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