Living Trust & Amendment thereto

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My aunt passed away this past February. I just received the Trust documents. Subsequent thereto an Amendment to the Trust was executed in early January, 2008 to the original Trust of 2002. I don't know whether the same attorneys drew up the original Trust and Amendment. Everything was changed from the original Trust, naming me that time as a beneficiary. The subsequent Amendment named her caregiver, or giving him entitlement to her home for the rest of his life in a life estate, including all her furniture, car, and other possessions on the property, with all expenses for maintenance of her home paid for out of some other pool. She left my sister monies in this subsequent Amendement, which she didn't in the first trust of 2002, except naming her as subsequent beneficiary if that beneficiary did not survive, along with her best friend, who she was originally going to leave her home to, and another, and five charities.

Needless to say, I have never been a greedy person and now there are all kinds of feelings I have now. She never point blank told me she was going to be leaving me anything in 2002. I was so good to this aunt, especially after she lost both sons years ago, unless she was just a mean-spirited person, unless she didn't know what she was doing in January. Just before she died, she became very weak after suffering a stroke two years before, and blind in one eye from macular degeneration. She was very, very fragile the last year, being in bed. I was reading up on a Certificate of Independent Review recently. I don't want to call the Trust attorneys yet. I don't know if they were suppose to send me this Certificate along with the Trust documents. I know how costly litigation can be and I know many attorneys here do not work on a contigency basis. I am at a loss.

Thank you.
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