We are a road association and I am one of the officers of that association. However, when the roads were purchased, it was not deeded properly. Before the incorrect deed is changed, we want it to be deeded to the Road Association as an LLC with that LLC owned by the landowners who are adjacent to the roads. Currently the LLC that we have been doing business under is owned only by one land owner--not the association or all the landowners.
you are not an association. It's unclear whether this association is a legal entity or simply a group of people pursuing a common interest. Your statement that you "have been doing business under" an LLC implies that the association either
is that LLC or owns the LLC. However, you've been very clear that the LLC is solely owned by only one of the property owners. Your statement also implies that the LLC could own an LLC, but that's only possible if the LLC is already a legal entity. Since your questions relate to the structure and formation of legal entities, these ambiguities make extremely difficult to provide much guidance.
Can the LLC be owned by the Road Association and if so, how do we go about forming that LLC.
If the association is organized as a legal entity (e.g., a corporation or LLC), then yes, it could own an LLC. If the association is not organized as a legal entity, then no, it cannot own an LLC (although the individual members of the association could own an LLC).
Can the three officers jointly be the administrators/directors of the LLC?
Not sure who these "three officers" are, but you've provided nothing that would make anyone think there is any restriction on who may serve in various capacities for the LLC you wish to form (note that "administrator" and "director" are not terms commonly used in the context of an LLC).
If so, is there a way to designate sinply the Board of Directors or would we have to change the names on the paperwork with the state department every time officers changed?
As phrased in the disjunctive, this question doesn't make much sense. Designate the board of directors for what purpose? Again, LLCs don't typically have boards of directors. Not sure what paperwork you're referring to, but Colorado, like every other state, does require regular filings that indicate who the officers/managers of a corporation/LLC are.
If the LLC can't be owned by the road, association, how can it be owned so that it isn't just in one person's name?
An LLC can have any number of members.
what is the best way for us to own the roads and how to we go about making that legal?
Private ownership of public roads is highly unusual. Usually, roads are dedicated to the city or county. In any event, determining what is best for multiple people who are anonymous is an impossible task. I therefore strongly suggest you retain the services of a local attorney.