Long story with car dealer for a brand new Jeep


New Member
Rhode Island
On 8/8/17 I entered a contract with TASCA for a special-ordered 2018JK Sahara (attachment 1) with a $1000 deposit. It was an extremely good deal, one that took me over 1 month to find. I even drove 2 hours from my home to this dealership because the deal was so great! Over the next 6 weeks I patiently waited for my Jeep to arrive. On October 5th I contacted the dealership asking about the status of my jeep as it should be arriving soon. Over text message they replied "We are getting a delivery next week, I hope yours is on the truck..." (attachment 2). They later told me it would be "hopeing two weeks" (attachment 3) On October 20th I contacted the dealer once more for an update. They told me "THe jeep should be here soon..." (attachment 4) Another week goes by and I call the dealership over the phone to better understand what is going on. At this point it has been over the original estimate of 6-8 weeks by almost 50%. While speaking with the dealership, I learn that they never submitted my custom ordered Jeep to corporate. It turns out all of their communication to me was deceiving. They have all the internal systems in place to check on the exact status of my order. The fact they kept telling me it was "coming soon" built some mistrust between myself and the dealership. In good faith to continue with the contract, all of my communications with this dealership turned to Don Metevier, the new Sales GM at this dealership responsible for all sales activity. Our first conversation was quite pleasant as he assured me he would do everything he could to help, but he needed a little time. I agreed to give him a week to see what he could come up with. After this time goes by, Don was unable to locate similar built Jeep to give me. His next option that he offered was to give me the exact same Jeep order (2-door Sahara) with the exact same options (from attachment 1) but however for the new body style Jeep Wrangler (JL). He told me that I would have to wait 6-8 weeks to get my jeep, but that it was a great deal because I was getting the same exact options, but on a newer body style. I agreed to the above and transferred my contract from (Attachment 1) to my 2nd contract with this dealership (Attachment 5). My biggest concern with this new contract was the fact that I did not think Jeep would be making 2-door Saharas on the new body style. I voiced this concern to Don via email and he assured me "they would be there in time for the build" according to his Fiat Chrysler Auto rep (Attachment 6). I agreed to wait & see as more details would be officially announced on Nov 27th at the LA Auto Show. It turns out that my reservations regarding Contract 2 were correct. There is no 2-door Jeep Sahara (JL) on the new body style. The dealership entered a contract to sell a vehicle that will never exist. I called them up right away and we subsequently entered a 3rd contract (Attachment 7) This 3rd contract is for a 4-door Jeep Wrangler sahara (JLU) and not a 2-door. I agreed to pay 3000$ more than the original contract & Don agreed to keep all of the same options and builds, plus led lighting, as fair negotiation for waiting this much time. It turns out that Don was either uninformed or purposefully deceitful as the Car Packages he putin my order did not include all of the original options from Contract 1 or Contract 2. It was missing both Navigation & heated seats. Numerous attempts at correcting this information with Don proved to be useless. I attempted to call FCA and Jeep Cares multiple times (over 25+) with zero results. Despite all of the above, my personal situation forced me to stay patient and continue waiting for this car.

My question for everyone here is: do I have any legal grounds to sue this dealership AFTER I receive my car and confirm it is missing 2 options that I legally paid for on Contract 1? They are in Contract 2 (even explicitly written) but missing for Contract 3 because he told me that these 2 specific components come "standard" & that there is no need to include them in the order.
If I were you I would ask for my deposit back and move on to another dealership.
If you take delivery of this vehicle as is, do so with a price reduction of the value of the two missing items. You signed 3 knowing that the items weren't listed. If you wait and sue, it will be your word against his that he told they were standard. He might develop amnesia.
He might develop amnesia.

No "might" about it. Car dealers are liars and thieves.

my personal situation forced me to stay patient and continue waiting for this car.

That's ridiculous. You should have pulled the plug on this long ago.

do I have any legal grounds to sue this dealership AFTER I receive my car and confirm it is missing 2 options that I legally paid for on Contract 1?


Are you really that naïve to think you will ever come out ahead with a car dealer?
"No "might" about it. Car dealers are liars and thieves"

Please stop saying this. Sure I've met some that are liars, I've also known many that are very honest and forthright. I have never known of a single one that was a thief.

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