lookie loos

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New Member
My window sits way above eye level, as a matter of fact a person would::: need to stand on a latter to view my room. Am I; room protected by the fifth amendment.
My window sits way above eye level, as a matter of fact a person would::: need to stand on a latter to view my room. Am I; room protected by the fifth amendment.

If your window is covered (with a shade, aluminum foil, or blinds), you're protected.

What can't be seen is certainly protected.

If you leave your drapes open, and a cop sees weed on your table, a dead body, or a bomb; you have no FOURTH AMENDMENT protection from unlawful searches.

The FIFTH AMENDMENT is useful, but not in the way you suggest.

If you prance around your home naked as a baby jaybird with your blinds up, and Granny Jones sees you in the raw, she'll likely call the cops.

If Officer Protect N. Serve sees you dancing in the buff, well, you got problems.

But, if you're whacking a mole with the blinds drawn, no one can see a thing and you are free to kill that little mole over and over!
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